Friday, February 22, 2013

Top Three Nutrition Tips for Improving Performance

Great information below:

Top Three Nutrition Tips for Improving Performance

1. Maintain your strength and weight through
proper nutrition. Some volleyball players try to lose
weight by taking diuretics and laxatives. These practices
will hurt your performance. A sports dietitian can create a
nutrition plan that will allow you to perform at your very

2. Learn how to fuel your body for all-day
tournaments. Play may begin early in the morning and
last until evening, and include five or more matches. Pack
snacks and fluids in your sport bag, and eat between
matches. Good foods to pack include sport drinks, energy
bars, 100% juice boxes, trail mix, cereal, string cheese,
tubes of yogurt, and crackers with peanut butter.

3. Follow a fluid plan. Drink by a schedule not just when
you feel thirsty. Drink before, during, and after practice
and matches.


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