Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AVA 17Rox Climbs the ranks in The Houston Shootout series

AVA 17Rox has accomplished something in the Houston Shootout series that is quite rare ... starting stop #1 in a very undeserving 23rd out of 64 17/18 teams, and in Bracket #3. Since then, 17 Rox has moved up three straight times and finds itself playing in Bracket #1 for the finals. From Bracket #3 to Bracket #1! Excellent job, 17 Rox!!! - Coach Jerry Aldridge

Monday, February 25, 2013

AVA Alumni Haley Jacob completes U.S. Women's National Volleyball Team Open Tryouts

Best of luck to AVA Alumni Haley Jacob whom completed the U.S. Women's National Volleyball Team Open Tryouts last week at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., with a record setting 247 athletes! WOW!! Go Haley!


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Receive AVA Updates Via Text Message

Stay connected to AVA and get the information you need most, delivered right to your cell phone. TEXT @AVAofTexas to 23559

Friday, February 22, 2013

Top Three Nutrition Tips for Improving Performance

Great information below:

Top Three Nutrition Tips for Improving Performance

1. Maintain your strength and weight through
proper nutrition. Some volleyball players try to lose
weight by taking diuretics and laxatives. These practices
will hurt your performance. A sports dietitian can create a
nutrition plan that will allow you to perform at your very

2. Learn how to fuel your body for all-day
tournaments. Play may begin early in the morning and
last until evening, and include five or more matches. Pack
snacks and fluids in your sport bag, and eat between
matches. Good foods to pack include sport drinks, energy
bars, 100% juice boxes, trail mix, cereal, string cheese,
tubes of yogurt, and crackers with peanut butter.

3. Follow a fluid plan. Drink by a schedule not just when
you feel thirsty. Drink before, during, and after practice
and matches.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

AVA Team Photos Schedule - Updated 02/20/13

Hello AVA !!  It's almost time to "strike a pose".  This is an opportunity to put on our best and create memories that last a lifetime.  Below is the latest greatest photo schedule.  Please be sure to coordinate extra time for preparation so YOU are READY TO GO with your team at the time indicated.   Your Coach will have the final say on confirmation and all questions/issues should be directed to your Coach.  They will inform you of final details or changes should they arise.

We have a wonderful and patient photographer but please do not use this time to become distracted.   Many of you will have practice afterwards so it is important to adhere to your pre-planned schedule.  Be Pleasant, Be Prompt and Be Cheerful.


Times Feb. 25

5:15 17 Power

5:35 15 Rox

5:55 15 Select

6:15 15 Extreme

6:35 18 Rox

6:55 18 Attack

7:15 15 Attack

7:35 15 Power





Times Feb. 26





6:35 13 Select

6:55 14 Select

7:15 13 Rox

7:35 13 Attack

7:55 13 Power

8:15 14 Power



Times Feb. 27

5:15 12 Rox

5:35 12 Attack

5:55 12 Power

6:15 17 Rox


6:55 18 Boys

7:15 16 Rox

7:35 17 Attack





Times Feb.28


5:35 16 Attack


6:15 16 Select


6:55 14 Rox

7:15 14 Attack

7:35 16 Power





Times Mar.1







7:15 14 Extreme

7:35 14 Rally

7:55 13 Extreme

8:15 13 Rally


Monday, February 18, 2013


AVAtors is excited to offer a camp during Spring break! Come on out and improve your fundamental volleyball skills!. We will cover all basic fundamental skills and some team concepts. 

AVA Supports the Side-Out Foundation to BEAT CANCER - We need your help!!

Coach Suzy writes:
You guys all know how I feel about community service and promoting causes that allow a better life for others around us.

If you don’t, well, I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE!
That’s why I wanted to announce AVA’s partnership with the Side-Out Foundation!
The Side-Out Foundation is an organization that is working to battle cancer.  The organization works closely with volleyball teams at all levels, including high schools, middle schools, and even colleges.

The money this organization raises goes 100% to cancer research.  I am sure most of us have lost someone to cancer or know someone who has.  I wanted to take this opportunity to join their campaign “1000 Strong.”  They are trying to get 1000 teams or groups to donate $250 to meet their goal.  I wanted to let everyone know that I am opening this up for our club.  I want AVA to be part of  the 1000 strong in battling cancer.  They will be setting up a website for our club as well!  If you are interested in donating, please email me at suzy.boulavsky@avatexas.com !

Thanks, and let’s do something great in our community!

About the Side-Out Foundation

The Side-Out Foundation (Side-Out) was established in 2004 to unite volleyball players and coaches and to have them work toward the common goal of furthering breast cancer awareness, education and patient services. Side-Out supports teams nationwide in their volleyball tournaments, clinics and other fundraising efforts. The foundation offers practical support for fundraising in addition to educational material for participants in order to help them become effective advocates for breast cancer. We contribute the funds to organizations that serve breast cancer patients, whether it be in the form of research, medical services or compassionate support.
The term side-out refers to a situation in volleyball when one team wins a point while its opponent is serving, thereby regaining serve or control of play. It is hoped that this Side-Out will do the same for breast cancer patients, providing them with the support, education and best available treatments to regain control of their lives.

If you also want more information, please view http://www.side-out.org